"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19).
In the waters of Baptism, a person is reborn to eternal life in Jesus Christ. In this Sacrament, the new Christian puts away the old life of sin and death and receives the gift of Faith, which promises life eternal. Many of us are Baptized as little children, receiving this great gift of Faith from our parents and the Church community. If you wish to share this wonderful Sacrament with your child, the Church supports you in this important task, and we welcome you to join us for preparation for Baptism.
For parents looking to have their children Baptized
1. Contact the Parish Office to schedule a date for the Baptism.
2. Fill out the Baptism Prep Program Information Form (found below)
3. Sign up for FORMED by entering 21222, choosing Our Lady of Hope and then entering your name and your email address.
The Baptism Preparation Program we will use is called Reborn. Please watch the first episode below.
Baptism Preparation Classes are available
the first Monday of the month from 6:30PM. Please
confirm your attendance with Lorraine Lupse.
Please contact Lorraine Lupse for more information: 410-284-6600
4. Select Godparents (sponsors) for your child.
At least one of the Godparents must be a Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and be sixteen years old or older. At least one godparent is required. If you have 2 Godparents, one must be a woman and the other a man. Godparents assist the parents in teaching the child our faith. A non-Catholic Christian can serve as a Christian witness.
Please click on the button below to download the Certificate of Eligibility. Please have one of your Godparents fill this form out so that you can bring it to Baptismal Prep. (If you have only one Catholic Godparent, please have them fill this form out with their Pastor).
4. Come and celebrate the Sacrament!
Baptisms must be scheduled with Lorraine Lupse. Please contact her at 410-216-5272.
Baptismal celebrations may include more than one child at a time.